Join Us!

We welcome new members who share our interests in antique metalware. Joining the AMS means becoming part of an international group made up of collectors, curators, dealers, auctioneers and academics, all contributing to the Society in many ways.

Members receive free the annual Journal of the Antique Metalware Society, plus two Newsletters per year. In addition, they have access to an extended range of features on this website including better quality images of selected Gallery items, additional subject matter and details of other AMS members.

Two meetings are held annually, in Spring and Autumn, and members are encouraged to attend. Short presentations on specific topics are given by members or invited speakers and there is a ‘members’ items’ section where objects are discussed and identified.

Membership is not expensive:

UK Individual                   £25 per annum

UK Joint                            £30 per annum

UK Institutional              £35 per annum

Overseas individual       £30 per annum

Overseas Joint                £30 per annum

Overseas Institutional  £37 per annum

The membership year runs from July 1st – June 30th


If you would like to join the AMS, please contact the Secretary via for further details.


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