The Ingenious Mr Phelps, Whitechapel Bell Founder
Published in The Derby Mercury, 24 Aug 1738
Yesterday (18 Aug 1738) died the ingenious Mr. Phelps, the noted Bell Founder, in Whitechapel, having followed that business upwards of 40 years, and acquired a plentiful fortune with an unblemished character. He was a man universally esteemed by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. And, we hear, that by his will he has bequithed to his foreman, Mr Thomas Lester, for his care and fidelity, [having served him upwards of 16 years] all his utensils in trade, together with his lease, and a great part of his stock, and money sufficient to carry on the business; his said foreman, for some years past having had the chief management of the business committed to his care.
Here is a link to the Wikipedia article on Richard Phelps.