Wind-vane or Weathervane

Material: Copper with brass mounting socket
Dimensions: Height: 49cm /19 ¼in, Width: 50cm / 19 ⅝in
Place of Origin: Probably Dorset, England
Date: Probably mid-19th century
Maker or Retailer: Unknown
Present Location: Private collection
Wind- or weather-vanes are a common feature of English church towers and spires. This copper cockerel, showing some damage caused by air-gun pellets, is believed to come from a church in Dorset. The cock is a common design for church wind-vanes: it is associated with St. Peter’s denial of Christ and also symbolises vigilance and watchfulness, necessary attributes of a Christian (see Needham, p. 24).
- Needham, A., English Weathervanes. Whitstable & Walsall, Pryor Publications, 2000, ISBN 0946014949, pp. 1 – 102